Athens, February 27, 2025
Dear IPB Co-fighters,
The Observatory of International Organisations and Globalisation – PADOP, wishes to inform you that it will take part in the international campaign to close military bases around the world, an issue very familiar to us, affecting directly Greece and the Mediterranean.
On this occasion, please be advised that 28th February 2025 is a date of action around Greece and in Greek communities abroad to commemorate the 57 victims, mainly young people, of the railway accident at Tempi two years ago. This accident would have been avoided if the government authorities had heard the warnings of the rail workers unions.
This issue has become a key issue for truth, justice and government accountability. Millions are expected to join in tomorrow’s demonstrations and strikes. We will also join for justice and peace for the victims.
We would appreciate if you forward this information to whom you consider appropriate.
Best Regards,
PADOP President General Secretary